Six Decades of
In July of 1964, South Carolina joined a pioneering project begun by North Carolina Farm Bureau in the concept of group purchasing. Dramatic savings were available by pooling the buying power of Farm Bureau members to purchase needed products directly from the manufacturers. The early success of the program led to the inclusion of many other Farm Bureau states and ultimately to a national purchasing program promoting the Farm Bureau "Safemark" brand of products.
Since that time, South Carolina Farm Bureau members have benefited greatly from the concept put into action over six decades ago. Though much has changed since 1964, the mission of the Farm Bureau Products Program has consistently been to provide members with the highest quality products available at the lowest possible price, while offering a warranty that solidly protects the member's investment.
Today, we fulfill that mission with the help of dedicated suppliers like Sumitomo, WestLake, BKT, Ceat, Cordex, Wiese, Kondex, Mystik and many others.
Through six decades we've worked hard to create savings and value for Farm Bureau members. Today, we couldn't be prouder of what we've accomplished together.
What is available?
Items currently offered include tires, batteries, lubricants, baling twines, net wraps, tillage tools, disc harrow blades, bearings, roller chain and cutting parts to fit hay equipment and combines. If you would like to look through our current list of products, you can do so by clicking on 'Browse our catalog'. Be sure to take a look at the 'Search Help' shown on the first screen once you get there.
How Do I Order?
Just give us a call at 1-800-849-3778. We're here from 8-5, Monday through Friday.

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Where are these
products stored?
The Farm Bureau Products Program maintains a 50,000 square foot warehouse in West Columbia, SC.
What about delivery?
We ship via UPS, common carrier, Southern Expediting, and via our own company trucks along established routes.
How do I pay?
Payment is made to the dealer at time of pick-up. We can accept credit card payments in advance for deliveries to local county Farm Bureau offices.
What if I need more help?
Call us at 1-800-849-3778. We're here from 8-5, Monday through Friday.